#Honors English 9


Tuesday, August 29

1.  Warm-up/SSR

2.  20 minutes to finish up Odyssey Map

3.  Start reading "The Epic Continues" in The Odyssey Pt II together; annotate as we read.


1.  Read more in The Odyssey Pt II.; answer study guide questions that pertain to what we have read thus far.

Monday, August 28

1.  Warm-up/SSR

2.  Odysseus' Journey - Map

3.  Start reading The Odyssey Pt. II


1.  Read up until "The Epic Continues"

Wednesday, August 23

1.  Mrs. Pace discusses - new position and Field Trip (Sept. 8)


1.  Money and permission slip due on Friday, August 25.  Checks made to HVA; cash needs to be exact change.

2.  Read the last portion of The Odyssey Pt. I and complete the study guide by Monday.  

Tuesday, August 22

1.  Summer Reading Test


1.  Continue working on Odyssey readings and study guide; read through "The Cyclops" and be prepared to turn in study guide #1 on Wednesday.

Thursday, August 17

1.  Review vocabulary - quiz each other

2.  Antigone/Odyssey Voc Quiz

3.  Warm-UP/SSR - finish a few student introductions

4.  Review and discuss The Odyssey Pt I readings from last night.  Handout "Odyssey Part I Study Guide #1.  Work on questions to the portions we have read.


1.  Review the three Summer Read novels.  Your Summer Reading test on all three books is on Tuesday, September 22.  

2.  Finish reading and annotating The Odyssey Part One (packet 1); you also need to complete the study guide.  This means you will read through the section titled "The Cylops" and you will also answer all of the questions on the study guide.  This will be due on Wednesday, August 23.  This is a day that Mr. Rayman will be teaching, but English homework will often be due on days when History is being taught.  PLAN to break up the work so that you are not doing it all on Tuesday night!  Planning ahead is part of the work ethic and academic maturity we mentioned during the first few days of class.

Wednesday, August 16

1.  Warm-UP/SSR

2.  Finish Mythology notes

3.  Finish Student Introductions


1.  Antigone/Odyssey Voc Quiz tomorrow!!  The KEY is on the website.  (These types of quizzes are normally on Fridays, but with the eclipse and a day off, Mr. Rayman and I are making small adjustments in the schedule.)  STUDY, so you are ready!!

2. Read and annotate "Tell the Story,"  "Books 1-4 Summary," and "The Wanderings:  Calypso" in your Odyssey packet.  Be prepared to discuss tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 15

1.  Warm-UP/SSR -- collect Antigone/Odyssey Voc HW

2.  Greek Mythology 101 Notes - students are expected to take notes


1.  Download Ant/Ody Voc KEY from website - study; quiz on Friday

2.  Read "A Brief Background of Ancient Greek Tragedy" and the powerpoint "Ancient Greek Drama"

Monday, August 14

1.  Attendance - any remaining paperwork; class fees?

2.  To the library - return to class with a book to read during SSR time.

3.  Warm-UP

4.  Greek Mythology 101 ppt - students should take notes, these people and places will be on the unit test


1.  Complete the Odyssey/Antigone Voc Wkst - due tomorrow

2.  Download (from website) and read the handout "A Brief Background of Ancient Greek Tragedy"

Thursday, August 10 and Friday, August 11

History days with Mr. Rayman

We will finish introductions on Monday.

Wednesday, August 9

1.  Warm-UP; collect fees, signed syllabi; signed cell policy; Facebook profiles

2.  Mrs. Pace's Intro followed by Student Introductions


1.  Bring materials, fees, signed papers, etc.

2.  Be reading in "Summer Reads" - Test on all three on Tuesday, August 22.

Tuesday, August 8

1.  Attendance/Names - Seating Chart

2.  Pace/English Syllabus

3.  Facebook Profile Wkst.

4.  Student Introduction Assignment - if time, students can work on introduction for tomorrow; magazines, etc.  


1.  Get materials (the sooner the better) by Monday, August 14

2.  Finish Student Introduction sheet - prep mini speech

Monday, August 7

1.  Attendance/Names

2.  Materials


1.  Get materials and bring them to school by Monday, August 14.